Are you looking for a digital asset management solution to manage your images and corporate marketing activities? Or are you trying to streamline your board meeting process? Or do you need to effectively track, measure and manage your organisation’s risk?
Kapish can now offer the elegant front end interface and rich capabilities of IntelligenceBank to it’s Content Manager customers to help achieve these goals. Using the Kapish IntelligenceBank Connector, valuable digital assets created and managed within the IntelligenceBank platform can be seamlessly captured in Micro Focus Content Manager (TRIM or HP Records Manager).
While many organisations and government departments use Content Manager as their system of record for enterprise content management, there is a clear need to use specialised business process management applications to manage more niche areas such as Digital Asset Management, Online Board Portals, and Risk & Compliance Registers. The new Kapish IntelligenceBank Connector gives customers the best of both worlds.
Want to know more? Head over to the Kapish IntelligenceBank Connector product page to review features, specifications, download a product brochure or even request a FREE 30 day evaluation!
Where can IntelligenceBank applications help?
Images & Digital Asset Management in Content Manager
How to manage images, videos and other digital assets in Content Manager is a growing problem we are faced with in today’s digital climate. File sizes are growing. We need quick, reliable access to preview, edit and create images. Upload files, individually or in bulk, keep track of versions and preview it online. We need tools to manage the marketing operations and all the while remaining compliant with our creative content governance.
How do we move away from storing the assets on shared network drives and managing the processes on spreadsheets and emails?
IntelligenceBank DRM – Digital Asset Management application is here to give you a seamless process to centralise digital assets, approve creative, manage marketing projects, edit artwork, and showcase brand guidelines all while capturing the records in Content Manager.

Upload files, individually or in bulk, keep track of versions, preview media online, add to lightbox collections or add comments. Watermarks protect your files and you can view assets as a list, as images or in a carousel slideshow.
Online Board Meeting Portal
The management of Board meeting processes is a huge task that is often undertake outside of Content Manager. Those of us in Records Management try to persude staff to retain records in CM but to be honest we are lucky if they capture the board meeting minutes. There is so much more to the process that really should be captured as corporate records. But how do we make the process easy for our corporate secretaries and directors while meeting our regulatory obligations?
Say hello to IntelligenceBank Boards – it streamlines the board meeting process. From publishing a meeting agenda to collecting papers and allowing directors to make personal annotations either online or offline. With the Kapish Intelligence Connector in the background capturing the records in Content Manager.
Great governance is a click away with IntelligenceBank Boards.

Access the board portal from any computer or mobile device. This includes offline access to files with our dedicated iPad and Android app.
Governance, Risk & Compliance in CM
Looking to track, score and manage your risks? Need to keep track of the severity, likelihood and consequences of risks?
IntelligenceBank GRC software makes it easy to streamline your governance, risk and compliance processes. It takes business-critical tasks out of spreadsheets, shared drives and email, and places them into an auditable and secure system, backed by Content Manager.
Beautifully designed to make your data collection, compliance management and reporting processes easy.

Pre-defined, yet customizable registers for Risk, Audit, Health & Safety, Conflicts of Interest, Incidents, CSA and more.
Need more information?
IntelligenceBank offer beautiful, intuitive applications that make business process seamless. Now Kapish have developed the bridge to connect it to Micro Focus Content Manager (TRIM or Records Manager). If you are ready, set & connect…
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