Version 4 is Here

Version 4 is Here

The highly-anticipated release of the Kapish Office Add-Ins has landed – Version 4 is Here!

Today Kapish is excited to announce the release of Version 4.0 of the Kapish Word Add-In and Kapish Excel Add-In. Version 4.0 sees a complete redesign of the look and feel of both applications. The new icons bring a fresh and modern style to the add-ins.

Major work was undertaken to ensure Version 4.0 is compatible with all the latest software applications, which now includes HPE Records Manager 8.3 & Content Manager 9.0; Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10. To facilitate this the Kapish Office Add-Ins upgraded the .Net Framework to 4.5.2 to allow the full use of the latest technology.

Both the Kapish Word Add-In and Kapish Excel Add-In have a stack of new features but the standout for each are the new Mail Merge Wizard and Linked Workbooks for each application respectively.

Kapish Word Add-In

The Kapish Word Add-In Mail Merge functionality received a complete overhaul in version 4.0 and was transformed into an intuitive step-by-step wizard to walk users through the merge to HPE CM process. The Mail Merge Wizard improves useability and has widen the functionality.

Version 4.0 allows for mapping of CM Locations (either by URI or ID Number) and other fields, such as Container, can be referenced with either the Record Number or URI. This allows other systems (e.g. Pathway) to be used as the data source of the mail merge and then have the final letter saved directly to HPE CM.

Kapish Word Add-In 4.0 Mail Merge Wizard

For more information about new features and enhancements added to Kapish Word Add-In 4.0 please see the official release notes here.

Kapish Excel Add-In

The use of Linked Workbooks in Kapish Excel Add-In has been a long time coming, due to the complexity and design of the functionality. But we are proud to say that Kapish Excel Add-In 4.0 facilitates the management of Linked Workbooks, stored on both Local Disk Drives and HPE CM.

Version 4.0 Linked Workbooks component enables users to catalogue and save workbooks from Local Drives into HPE CM and maintain the relationship links.

Kapish Excel Add-In Version 4 - Linked Workbooks

The Linked Workbook functionality also allows for direct access to Edit the other HPE CM Linked Workbooks without having to leave Microsoft® Excel, they are all directly accessible from within the Kapish Excel Add-In 4.0.

For more information about new features and enhancements added to Kapish Excel Add-In 4.0 please see the official release notes here.

Other News

Kapish has also released new product versions of its software suite for Kapish Explorer, Kapish Easy Link, Kapish Folder Wizard and Kapish Record Remover. All of these products have been updated to ensure they are HPE CM9.0 compatible as well as Office 2016 and Windows 10. These versions also use the .Net 4.5.2 framework.

For more information about each product, please see the corresponding release notes.


If you require any additional information or would like a demonstration, please contact Kapish today.

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