If you had to take a guess as to what feature in Content Manager we at Kapish get asked about the most, what would be your answer?
Nearly every organisation we come across has questions about how to make the best use of workflows in Micro Focus Content Manager (or TRIM or Records Manager). Welcome Kapish Workflow Wizard.
Administrators creating Workflows in Content Manager can be challenging but still do-able. However, learning how to initiate Workflows for End Users is just down right difficult and confusing. Every organisation has set processes that can be enhanced with automation and facilitation of steps in a workflow. So the bigger question is how can we enhance the offerings in Content Manager so we can accommodation all the different stakeholders?
Senior Management, want to ensure all content is captured in the system; Regulatory, need the correct process followed; Customers, want the correct output; and Employees, well they just want the easiest and most efficient method.
Lets combine all of those needs and wants into one and truly facilitate the workflow process. We need to provide something that is simple, easy to use. Implemented with little cost, expertise, training and maintenance. A system that meets all the requirements of Senior Management and Regulatory Bodies.
Welcome Kapish Workflow Wizard
The Micro Focus Content Manager Workflow initiation process has been simplified down to a single window in Kapish Workflow Wizard. This easy-to-use app, allows Users to kick-start numerous Workflows, select multiple Assignees and send email notifications all from the one window in Content Manager. Email notification can be customised or use a standard FYI format.
It is as simple as sending an email so there is no need for training of staff. The setup is quick and easy, and you can rely on the expertise and help of Kapish should you need it.
Ready to kick-start your Content Manager Workflows!
Find Out More
If you are interested in a demonstration of the new Kapish Workflow Wizard, call Kapish on (03) 9017 4943 and when you mention this blog post we can offer you a FREE 30 day trial. If you would prefer you can always email us and one of the Kapish Team will be in touch.
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